
Moe Yal Yin Saung Yal Ya Mel
A Chit Eain Met
Tha Bar Wa
Nway Oo Kabyar
2017 Thingyan Present
Thingyan Su Taung
A Htee Kyan Myat Yay
Koe Mway Nayt

Happy New Year 2013

Nine years ago on 1st of January 2004, we have launched the MyanmarMP3.net website to promote our music globally. Since then we have had  our fair share of ups and downs but all of it has strengthened us and we are who we are today because of all your support, thank you.

Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new website in celebration of our 9th years anniversary. The new website is currently in transition period and we are working very hard to transfer all the music albums from the old database, so please bear with us in the mean time. 

May we also take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very healthy, happy and prosperous new year.

MyanmarMP3.net Team